Daily Manna From Heaven

2.4.24 Willisburg Bulletin

God Provides

Exodus 16 is PACKED FULL of info and spiritual lessons for not only the Israelites, but us too. It’s easy to read and skip over fascinating details the Lord adds. Just a few chapters before, the Israelites were saved from all the plagues of Egypt and He decided to lead them through the Wilderness instead of the land of the Philistines for sake of war (13:17-18). God also ingeniously leads His people by way of cloud in the day and fire by night (just a reminder to us that we need to be on fire for the Lord and shine our light in the darkness of the world). Then we are brought to the scene in chapter 14 where the Israelites are caught between the waters and Pharaoh’s army. It seemed as if there was no escape from being demolished by the army, BUT the Lord made a way – He parted the Red Sea for the Israelites to flee, made sure the Egyptians were camped separate from them, took the Egyptians wheels off their chariots, and caused the sea to engulf the army. Just after being delivered through all of these events, we see the Israelites praise God for it, but immediately complain about the water being too bitter to drink. They had just seen what God could do, but forgot. They acted like there was not even a God and how soon they forgot they were His people. Did they really think He would just abandon them? No, He would provide for them – ABUNDANTLY, even after their momentary doubt. God provided a place with 12 wells and 70 palm trees. Yet still they found something else to complain about to God that didn’t suit them: food. So, what does God do? He hears and provides.

Daily Manna

Two months into the wilderness, they were wandering and grumbling so the Lord being who He is, provides this mysterious food that comes from Heaven, having it sit on the grass every morning. He literally gave them their “daily bread.” He taught them a lesson in this by only allowing them to take the portion they need for themselves and their family that day because it would spoil if they tried to save it for the next day. What a representation of God saying, “take only what you need for this day, not anything more for that is greed.” This idea of daily manna is a reminder of the exact reason we must be in His Word DAILY. Matt 6:25-27 tells us not to worry about daily necessities, as those will be provided by the true bread of Heaven: Jesus (Jn 6:32). It’s in His Word that we can receive this manna we need daily, because it will spoil if we try to save it and not add to our faith. Without the daily reading, we fall into a cycle of confusion and striving to live on our own strength, which we know is impossible (Phil 4:13). Ps 16 says, “in You I put my trust… You are my portion.” It’s only through Christ – He is the way of salvation (Jn 14:6), He is our daily bread. And if He takes care of us today, then He will tomorrow too. And if I can trust Him with tomorrow, then I can trust Him with the future that He already has planned for me. So even though I’m staring into the unknown, I must trust in the one who holds the future and be dividing the truth of His Word daily to see His plan be revealed.

It’s All For His Glory

The Lord made it known to the Israelites that their deliverance was for the Egyptians to see “the Lord will fight for His people” (14:14) and it was for them to know that He is God (14:18). Moses told the Israelites not to be afraid, “stand still and see the salvation of the Lord” (14:13). This didn’t mean literally stand still otherwise they would have been overtaken by Pharaoh’s army; it meant that God would be with them and be their deliverer (Ps 46:10). He was their cloud above their head every day and fire every night, yet they still forgot/lost track of the God providing for them. It’s easy to lose sight of the God who is FAITHFULLY with us every day and provides daily. So, let’s be careful not to be ensnared into the same path of the Israelites.

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