Month: March 2024

  • Full Circle Promise

    3.31.24 Willisburg Bulletin Forgetting God How soon do you forget about God? We usually look at the Israelites with criticism; however, they struggled with serving God wholeheartedly in every situation, […]

  • Closest to Heaven on Earth

    3.24.24 Willisburg Bulletin “but now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city […]

  • ”Just One Won’t Hurt”

    3.17.24 Willisburg Bulletin “Just one won’t hurt, right? Just one more… I’ll ask for forgiveness later.” We all know those people that are always testing how close they can get […]

  • Building Idols or Using Talents

    3.10.24 Willisburg Bulletin Idols In Impatience We all know the event of the Aaron fashioned and molded a gold calf for the Israelites to worship and claim as their god. […]

  • Do You Take God Serious?

    3.3.24 Willisburg Bulletin GOD MEANS WHAT HE SAYS Do you believe that? Well of course we’d say, yes God means what He says, BUT sometimes our actions would speak otherwise. […]