”Just One Won’t Hurt”

3.17.24 Willisburg Bulletin

“Just one won’t hurt, right? Just one more… I’ll ask for forgiveness later.” We all know those people that are always testing how close they can get to the line, before crossing it. Not only is the action committed usually sinful, it’s also the attitude in which they go about these actions. They think just one “little” thing isn’t bad, yet it’s that one thing that could cost them their lives. In Leviticus 10, Aaron and his sons had just been consecrated and their priestly ministry had just begun. Moses was speaking to them the oracles of God regarding the conduct in which they were to prescribe. Leviticus 10:8-11 mentions not drinking any intoxicating drink or they would die if they went into the tabernacle drunk. It also states the reason for not drinking as to be able to distinguish between holy and unholy. Therefore, there is a sense of blurred lines when under the influence. And sadly Satan is the driving fact for this. When you get under the influence of Satan, the lines of obedience to Christ become gray and confusing. You may start doubting your beliefs, your confidence, and the reasons why you do and don’t do certain things. Your conscience is seared, “not susceptible to moral influences.” This is when Satan convinces you that one more drink, one more time doing this, one more sinful act, one tiny touch won’t hurt. Then you do it and Satan throws in “you can ask for forgiveness if you get caught” as an extra incentive to keep sinning.

Just One Little Detail

Just that one little detail doesn’t matter is Satan’s lie that traps us in more often that not. It’s a trap that after the door is shut, we have an even harder time getting out then we did getting soothed talked in. We are lured in by the devil and having to work our way out of what seems like an endless hole, may be the reason some just give in and never try to return back to God. However, God gives us that chance. He has granted us time and life to make our lives right! Just as He did with the Israelites. They missed one opportunity the Lord gave them by doubting their confidence in God and were sent back into the wilderness for 40 years, but the second chance was given as God led them and took care of them and they were able to cross into the promised land. However, there was one person in particular because of one act of disobedience he was punished. Moses struck the rock for water instead of speaking to it and it kept him out of the promised land. Uzzah made on touch to the ark and he was struck dead in 2 Samuel 6. Nadab and Abihu offered one unauthorized sacrifice and God devoured them with fire in Leviticus 10. Lot’s wife made one look backward and was turned into a salt pillar in Genesis 19. Example after example in the scripture we see, “just one little detail” being the reason they were punished.

God Is Serious

The same is true today – that one sin can keep us out of Heaven. That’s how serious God is about staying holy. God desires holiness from His children. He wants you to imitate Him as He is holy and know that He is God, the God that controls your eternal destiny. He is a just God and He will judge you in the last day. In Leviticus 11, the Lord is describing all the clean and unclean animals the people can eat, but in verse 39 it states, “and if any animal which you may eat dies, he would touches shall be unclean til evening.” It’s symbolic of us being clean as His children, but if we sin, we die and become unclean. Yet only until the evening, if you make it right, because God’s mercies are new each morning (Lam 3:22-23). So are you clean – do you have your life right with Him?