Room For Jesus?

7.21.24 Willisburg Bulletin

Not the Roman Empire

The Roman Empire did not have room for Jesus. King Herod hoped to have Jesus killed (Matthew 2:1-18. It’s sad, but many people think just like Herod did. 2 Peter 3:3-8 and Ps 14:1-3 state people say all the time “there is no God,” doing abominable works, and scoffing at Him and His Word. We must consider this “Herodian” mindset. Are we too self absorbed to even think about Jesus? Would you consider it an interruption to think about Him or talk to someone about Him? Honestly, we need to be looking at those “interruptions” more as opportunities. We have become a technology society filled with fast-paced lives that we see most every change as a disruption from our schedules.

Not His Family & Town

His own family and local town did not have room for Jesus. Family being the ones who would’ve known Him the best still didn’t have room. John 1:10-12; 6:66 confirms only a few accepted Him. How sad is it to know the created didn’t accept the Creator. Matt 13:53-58 and John 7:2-5 mention his family actually being offended by Him and didn’t believe what He said. In John 1:46, Nathaniel asked, “can anything good come out of Nazareth?” A complete slap in the face to Jesus and yet, today, people do the same thing. Christians are His own family. 2 Cor 6:16-18 and Luke 10:38-42 show how close we are to God as His. We must reflect and ask ourselves, do we ever just listen to what our Savior is telling us? Do we ever take time to spend with Him alone?

Not His Nation

The nation that He came to save were the ones who killed Him. Acts 2:36 made it known that He was crucified by those who should’ve had His back. The ones who He delivered up, ended up denying Him and determined to let kill the innocence and released the true murderer (Acts 3:13-15). Is our nation seeking God or ruling Him out?

Not Schools

In today’s society, the true source of wisdom has been forgotten (Prov 9:10). Instead of spiritual thinking as Col 2:2-3 talks about, kids have been brainwashed. Jesus is banned from many school and prayer is looked at as sacrificial. Creation is not taught; however, they accept homosexuality, “safe” sex, evolution, etc. Kids are filled with false senses of the world. Instead of saying Jesus is the Creator of all and loves you, they are told this world is an accident, you’re just from a big boom and another form of a hairy monkey. Instead of telling kills they have a purpose in life, they are constantly shown the opposite. No wonder we have so many issues with kids! Their foundation has been ripped right from beneath them.

Not Homes

It’s not popular to have Jesus in your home anymore. Is He a stranger in your home? Is His name spoken of in your home? Do you pray? Is the Bible read? Is forgiveness offered softly? Is the resurrection your family’s reason of joy? Would you have Jesus overshadow everything going on in your home? Will we bear His reproach as Hebrews 13:2, 12-14 asks?

Will You Make Room?
Throughout Jesus’ whole life, He was rejected, cast out, and hated. There wasn’t many people who had room for Him, let alone MADE room for Him. Yet, He still made time and room for people. He served beyond imaginable. Jesus was patient and brought comfort and we are called to be imitators of exactly that? Have we made room for Jesus? Others may fail Him, but we need to be the ones who can honestly claim Him as our own.