Worthy Manner Partaking

4.14.24 Willisburg Bulletin

1 Corinthians 11:23-37

Lord’s Supper

Every Lord’s day we come together as children of God to partake in the Lord’s Supper. We do such as a memorial (1 Corinthians 11:24-25) in a worthy, respectful manner (1 Corinthians 27-29) until Jesus comes back to gather His saints (1 Corinthians 11:26) to receive the promised eternal life (John 6:54). The bread, representing His body that was crucified for us and the blood, representing His blood that was shed for us are the sustaining items we need and are commanded to take every week. The command given in 1 Corinthians to partake have a direct reference to Jesus and the Jews in John 6 and then the Israelites in Exodus 16.

Discontent Israelites

 The Israelites story is foreshadowed greatly to Jesus and even to us! Just a month after their exit from Egypt, they desired the food they were eating in slavery and accused Moses of leading them into the wilderness to die (Exodus 16:3). Yet, God being the gracious provider, promised bread from Heaven (Exo 16:4) and it would be delivered every morning, it was their sustaining source of food for 40 years (Exo 16:35). It was a sign of God’s provision (Ps 78:24, 25). Still yet, they became discontent with the manna (Numbers 11:5-6). They didn’t trust in His salvation and were discontent with the bread of Heaven that fills.

Wrongful Seeking Jews

And just as the Israelites complained, the Jews murmured against Jesus. The Jews were fed loaves by Jesus and they followed Him, but not because they believed (John 6:26). Jesus warned them they that their labor was in vain and not for the right reason (Jn 6:27). So, they asked for a sign from Jesus and suggested something like providing manna as Moses did for the Israelites (6:30-31). Respectfully, Jesus tells them He is the true bread, yet they still didn’t believe and many walked away (6:66). It was obvious they were there to be filled, but for the wrong reason. Just like the Israelites, the Jews, didn’t trust God’s salvation and were discontent with the bread of Heaven that fills.

Are We Filled & Content?

John 6:54 says, “whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise Him up at the last day” and in verse 58 it says, “not as your fathers ate the manna, and are dead. He who eats this bread will live forever.” The bread that came from Heaven is Jesus as He came to serve and sacrifice Himself for us that we may live forever. And if we partake in eating this bread in the right manner, we have the promise of dwelling with Him forever. Therefore, when we come together to partake of the bread and cup every Lord’s day, there is a right motive for doing such. If you eat and drink in a wrong manner, you’re guilty of killing Jesus and you’re bringing damnation on yourself (1 Cor 11:27, 29). Just as the Israelites were guilty of eating with the wrong attitude and died (John 6:49, 58) and just like the Jews came to Jesus to be filled, wrongfully. We can be just as guilty if we partake for the wrong reasons. Jesus told the Jews, He was the bread that came down from Heaven that you may live forever if you partake. The Lord’s Supper is the memorial of this exact event. Therefore, we must partake remembering Jesus and His sacrifice. May we not be like the Israelites that got bored and longed for the food of Egypt. We’ve been saved from that evil; why would we want to go back (Romans 6:1-14). May we not long for the life we lived before being saved. May we not be like the Jews that followed Jesus only for the physical food. We need to trust His salvation and be content with the true bread, remembering this as we partake in the weekly memorial.