Hard Times Glorify God

4.7.24 Willisburg Bulletin

“Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience … if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” James 1:2-5


How many times do you find yourself asking God to relieve the pain or asking God to make the situation less hard on us? We as a society want things that come easy to us and when the pressure begins, we cave in and break down. We chase “easy”, “quick”, and “convenient”, right? It’s like we are scared to fail or too nervous to even try. Yet, there is no growth in easy and there is no drive. When something is a little harder to accomplish, we strive a little more and the end gets a little more awaited for. So when those hard times in life come, especially spiritual, that’s the time you will see the most growth and that’s when people push through, especially since the reward at the end is desired more. God is looking for servants with endurance. Are you willing to endured life, especially the hard things in life with joy? As Kris Emerson says, “without force, it cannot be formed into what is was designed and destined to be.” We can’t be Kingdom workers, if we don’t endure trials. We can’t be song leaders, if we don’t reach outside our comfort zone for a second. We can’t be hospitable to others, if we don’t try. We can’t strengthen our brethren, if we don’t test ourselves first. We can’t be Christians, if we don’t take the leap of faith to be baptized. We can’t be faithful to God, if we don’t endure the hard. We must endure!


Only by faith would we welcome tests because we know what that produce for the faithful! As long as the hard things, seasons, circumstances, etc. are in your life, you should use them for God’s glory. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” It does not mean that the situation or whatever is happening to you is good, but the outcomes and results of such issue, season, etc should bring glory to God and growth to your faith. Emerson said in his podcast, “God is always at work for His good through building you, molding you, and constructing you.” It’s a work in progress and sometimes that work gets hard, but you know a precious diamond is made through pressure.


When you don’t know what to do or you don’t understand why this is happening to you, the book of James says, “ask God”. God, the giver of wisdom, will reveal His will when it is the right time for you to understand. This is not to lift the burden or remove it, rather it is you asking to understand your need for it and asking what good can be accomplished from it that couldn’t have been done without it. It’s an ask to figure out what outcome can come to glorify God and further strengthen your faith. Although, sometimes we may never know why, we need to remember God does and He has a plan with whatever it is you may be dealing with.


When these hard times come about, think about it in a way that God will use this to further the gospel and will you help Him in that? Why would you pray for God to lessen your suffering or make it less hard if the cause of Christ would suffer if it was easier on yourself? If you would receive some form of ease, would you give up God’s plan? If you could make it less of a load on you, would you allow God’s will to not happen? Philippians 4:13 assures us, with Christ we can get through this hard time whatever it be and if something becomes hard to bare the scripture reminds us in many places such as Isa 41:10; Deut 31:8; Josh 1:9 that God is with us and be must be strong.