Are You Sharing the Gospel?

2.25.24 Willisburg Bulletin

Telling Others

Imagine if in Heaven someone is able to come up to you and say, “I’m here because you weren’t afraid nor ashamed to tell me about Jesus. Thank you.” What would that mean to you? Isn’t this what we should be striving for? Yet, I think in the world today, the general people are too busy to even think about sharing the good news to people. When something happened back before phones, newspapers, etc, it was shared by word of mouth and spread like a wildfire. Sadly, we have kind of lost that since it has become more digitalized. However, the responsibility to spread the news still remains for us. The world constantly changes and the means of communication vary, but God’s standard does not. Christians goal in life should be to get to Heaven and help everyone else around them get there too.

We Are Too Busy

Honestly, I think many Christians would resonate with the idea that they don’t purposely not talk about Jesus or the gospel, rather they are just more distracted by the world and the things of the world to think about the spiritual side. It’s like the saying, “out of sight, out of mind,” right? It’s not that we have anything against God, it’s just that we are continually preoccupied to even have these show up on our radar. When our alarm goes off in the mornings we are thinking about what’s in store for us that day whether it be work or family coming over, or whatever our dinner plans might be and what we need to do to prepare. Then if the kids have activities/sports, or if we have plans with friends, it’s off to attend those. Or if we don’t have plans outside the home, we find a channel on tv to watch until it’s time to go to bed. Then your mind is filled with what’s in store for tomorrow. It’s a constant whirlwind cycle. We get into this habit of just going about our day-to-day activities and forgetting about God and our responsibility of sharing the gospel, but not purposefully. A certain amount of busyness is to be expected, and sometimes even unavoidable, but it becomes so much that it’s almost pathological busyness. All the things we have to do actually end up hampering our productivity, where we aren’t promoting the gospel, and we are becoming exhausted making our day-to-day activities mundane and we get overwhelmed causing us to just give up. This pathological busyness has become such a major block in our spiritual lives. We are more busy than we are in bad activities, we are more distracted with everyday chores than we are nonspiritual, and we are more interested in the day-dreamed life that sports, social media, and shopping mall produce in us than we are in worship. It’s not that we are trying to run away or forget about God, but it just seems to happen. When you look back at your week, you can see your time being broken up in kids activities, work, traveling, etc. and little to no time for God and the Kingdom work we ought to be doing.

Sharing the Gospel Practically

We all know we need to see it to think about it. So here is a small list of some practical ways to get you thinking and sharing more about Jesus: Start by saying a prayer before you even get out of bed. Sing a hymn while you are in the shower. Have verse cards at your sink so while you are doing dishes you read it. Set a couple reminders on your phone to pray throughout the day. Carry your Bible with you; take it in the car with you. Be the one who initiates spiritual conversations by asking them where they attend services, and mention we have a meeting this weekend. Post Bible verses and spiritual thoughts on your social media. If while in conversion something reminds you of a verse, share that with them. Be unashamedly vulnerable!