Are You Walking With God?

1.14.24 Willisburg Bulletin

Walking with God

“She walked with God. That was her game changing strategy.”

This was a quote I saw the other day and it just resonated with me. This is ultimately what we all should be striving for while on this earth. There are just a few people mentioned in the Bible that says they walked with God, but what did that entail and who were they? Studying the lives of these will reveal clues as to how they lived a lifestyle worthy of being pleasing to God and what we should be mimicking.


Not much is written about Enoch, but one thing is sure that “he walked with God; and he was not, for God took him” (Genesis 5:24). Not only did he not die physically, because he walked with God, but

  • Enoch pleased God.
  • Enoch was faithful.

Both of these attributes together pair well because it is exactly what is required of us. Hebrews 11:6 says we must have faith to please Him. Romans 1:17 also states, “the righteous man will live by faith.”


Genesis 6:9 tells us that Noah walked with God. Throughout his life we can see five characteristics that stand out.

1. Noah was just. Genesis 6:9 say just that. He lived a righteous life, even though all the world around him was full of evil, corruption, and violence (Genesis 6:11).

2. Noah was obedient. Even without fully understanding God’s plan, he obeyed. Building the ark was no little task and he took what God said seriously, even down to the type of wood and the exact measurements. There was a lot a responsibility resting on his shoulders, but Noah handled it with complete obedience (Genesis 6:22).

3. Noah was patient. All the years he lived and never seen rain. Then to be told a flood was coming and he needed to build this massive boat by hand to save his life, but he did it.

4. Noah was faithful. It’s evident that he was full of faith. He is even mentioned in what we call the roll call of faith in Hebrews 11:7).

5. Noah was blameless. Genesis 6:9 says, “perfect in his generation.” He had integrity.


Malachi 2:4-6 reveals six characteristics that Levi encompassed for him to walk with God.

1. Levi revered God. He adored and worshipped Him

2.Levi feared God. He stood in awe of Him.

3. Levi spoke the truth. He taught others the faith and true instruction of God’s will.

4. Levi spoke righteous. He did not speak unjust or evil things.

5. Levi led a peaceful life. His life was pure and upright.

6. Levi repented. He did not follow after his iniquities, rather he turned from them.

Losing The Track

Sometimes we get off track and then before we know it we have completely lost sight of the path. The same thing can happen in our walk with Christ. If we stumble off the track for whatever reason, it’s not hard to lose track of the sight all together. One little distraction opens the door for more that were in the room you opened the door to. If we aren’t careful and walking with awareness as Ephesians 5:15 says, then the track become just an idea and then we start thinking, well this is a good path, and then we look back a few years down the road and we are now just doing what we want to do. Without constant reading and studying of God’s Word, we will lose sight of the path Jesus has laid for us (Psalm 23:3). Even with study, we will stumble, but just think, if you aren’t studying then how are you going to know where the path resides? No studying, makes the path dimmer and it makes it so much easier to stumble into the woods.