Does God Know Your Prayers?

1.7.24 Willisburg Bulletin

Knowing God

Have you ever thought that you prayed too much? Or is it more like me and you haven’t prayed enough or that you haven’t prayed as meaningful as you ought? Maybe you have thought you are just annoying God or you are so tired when you are praying that you aren’t really thinking about who you are talking to or what you are saying. It’s almost like you are just rattling things off and repeating phrases you’ve heard from other people’s prayers. I know this all too well, sad to say. Prayer is our communication with the one who will send us to Hell or Heaven. That’s a mind stopper, right! Will God know your voice on Judgment Day? Will He recognize it as a familiar voice or one He didn’t hear from much, or maybe just when you were in a valley and needed help?

Pray Constantly

It is a command for us to pray all the time. We are failing God when we don’t take the time to talk to Him.

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 – pray without ceasing
  • Philippians 4:6 – in everything, pray
  • Colossians 4:2 continue steadfastly in prayer
  • Mark 11:24 – ask in prayer and believe
  • Ephesians 6:18 – praying always


We all know sometimes it is a struggle to even know what to say. We get in these repetitive phases where it seems like we are just saying the same things over and over again. Do you ever feel a certain way, but unsure of how to express it? You know, we have a lot to be praying for and about, yet we often fail to bring our concerns, deepest agonies, and greatest joys to the only one who can grant peace, bring comfort, and give grace. We get asked all the time to pray for certain people or situations, do you or do you forget to until you hear about it again? We have a great responsibility. Bringing others concerns, thoughts, and requests before a Father able to just what we ask. And sadly, sometimes we are asked by non-Christians and we know God doesn’t hear unbelievers prayers, so we are the ones hearing their requests and thankfulness and we have the best opportunity to bring them to the throne of God. Let’s do just that. Can you imagine what even just our little congregation could pray about if we truly took the time to talk to God about every concern, every blessing, every thought, every request we have. God is all powerful. If you never talk to Him, what makes you think He is going to give or help you overcome?

Enter or Depart

When you think you just can’t pray anymore, remember you’d rather approach God on Judgment Day and Him say, “there’s a familiar voice, enter in the pearly gates,” rather than to hear condemnation by Him saying, “it’s nice to finally hear from you, but I never knew you, depart” as you’re on your way to Hell.

Praying Intently in 2024:

May we focus this year on truly talking to our Heavenly Father as if it was our best friend standing beside us. May we address Him reverently frequently all day in prayer and may out inner thoughts become constants talks with Him. May the valleys and mountains we tread this year lead us to seek God increasingly more and bow down humbly before Him. May we let this be the year we find reasons to speak to God and may we take every slow moment as a blessing. May we draw near to Him in every situation and may we be quick to read His Word in every drought, flood, sprinkle, and sun filled day. May we look past our fast-paced society and full to-do list to ensure we have ample time with our God. May we become more like Jesus more and more in 2024.