Are You Washing Your Hands of the Blood?

11.5.23 Willisburg Bulletin

Washing Our Hands

We suppose that the most famous (or infamous) hand-washer in history was Pilate, who sought to absolve himself of responsibility in the crucifixion of Jesus by washing his hands in a basin of water. “I am innocent of the blood of this just Person. You see to it,” he said to the Jewish tumult (Matthew 27:24). The washing of one’s hands was symbolic of moral and spiritual cleanness, but no basin of water was going to wash Pilate’s responsibility away (Psalm 26:6). We wonder if it might be that many of us today are seeking to “wash our hands” of the responsibility we have toward our fellow man, specifically in teaching him the gospel. Beloved, if this is true of us, let us resolve now to repent of our inactivity. It can be so easy to convince ourselves that we’ve absolved ourselves of the responsibility. We have families to care for. We have to make a living. We should have some ‘down time,’ too. There is no doubting these, but too often we allow our busy-ness in these keep us from seeing the wretched state and (consequently) needs of our sin-sick neighbors and acquaintances. Are THEIR needs not important? The truth is that we can care for our jobs, our families, , and other aspects of our lives and still find the time to focus our attention on a world that has “no hope” and is “without Christ” (Ephesians 2:12). You say, “I don’t have the time.” If that is true, then you are too busy. (No, we are not trying to be callous and unsympathetic to your plight; but you are simply too busy.) “Redeem the time,” the Scripture says, and what better use could be made of our bought-back time than spending it in the pursuit of soul-saving? (Ephesians 5:16) But for most of us, the statement, “I don’t have the time,” is not a correct assessment of the situation. We may genuinely think that it is, but it is not. No, beloved — we are making excuses in an attempt to clear ourselves of the responsibility of soul-winning. We are spending too much time on house upkeep, land care, recreation, television-watching, and the like, all the while taking our minds off what is truly important. We are trying to “wash our hands” of the matter, but will this ‘wash’ with the Lord? If needed, will you pledge now to do better? What a wonderful thing it would be if we could truthfully say, “I am innocent of the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare… the whole counsel of God to others” (Acts 20:7). Mike Noble


Honestly, it’s hard sometimes knowing how or when to share the gospel, right? But it is POSSBILE (Phil 4:13)! Even the smallest attempts to spread the good news may be just what that person needed to hear. Think about everyone you come in contact with in a week. Have you talked about Jesus with or in front of everyone you see in a week? I’m afraid we barely speak His name sometimes, and shame on us! We ought to strive to find some way to mention going to worship services, or being saved, or something to give an inclination of God and His Word. Can you imagine what your conversions would end up being about if you were to just mention God in some way?

Try some of these this week…

  • invite someone to services
  • share a bible verse on social media
  • send a bible verse through text to someone
  • ask someone how you can pray for them
  • send out a card in the mail with a bible verse listed
  • pray for a friend and send them a message telling them you prayed for them
  • give a Bible to someone
  • ask them where they go to
  • worship when in a conversation
  • make comments about God in your work/ errands
  • invite someone over for a meal
  • send out a correspondence course
  • share our articles from the website on social media or even mail them to people
  • ask someone if they would like to study with you
  • pray before your meal even while in public without shame
  • incorporate God in each conversation you have