
10-1-23 Willisburg Bulletin

Friendships – refresh the soul

A friendship is a joyous relationship. Read the verses listed to see what a blessing friendships are. Proverbs 27:9 lets us know that heartfelt advice is from a true friend and there is a sense of pleasantness that springs from friends. Proverbs 17:17 “A friend loves at all times…” A friend would even plead for you (Job 16:20-21) Job 6:14 tells us the consequences of not showing kindness, which means a friendship involves having kindness toward one another. We also know from 1 Peter 4:8 a deep love comes with friendship, especially in Christ.

Friendships – choose wisely

Have you ever heard the verse “Bad company corrupts good character.”? 1 Corinthians 15:33 tells us not to be misled because bad friends will led us away from the Lord. A lot of times people will say, “oh, they aren’t that bad,” “we all have things to work on, it’s alright,” “I can change them.” But just as the verse says, “don’t be deceived.” The probability is more unlikely than it is to be likely so why risk it. Gossip is a big underlying factor for friends breaking off just as Proverbs 16:28 warns us. However, if you choose wisely, “there is a friend

who sticks closer than a brother.” (Proverbs 18:24) Sometimes even family disowns their own family members for the sake of Christ, yet the Christians family will stick close. Just as Psalm 133:1 states, “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” Take time to read 1 Samuel 20. The friendship between David and Jonathan is a great example of what a true friendship looks like. Jonathan was willing to befriend David even in the opposition of his father. He was willing to put his own life down for his friend. They looked for each other’s best welfare, which is the standing component to a friendship. It’s not a competition of who better nor does it matter how many friends, because we are told we won’t have many close friends. In a recent study workbook, Tony Ripley wrote, you also can have friends which you are closely associated with. Be selective, and most important, be a friend! You’ll find that by watering, nurturing, and caring for the plant of friendship, it will someday become a great tree to rest upon. It will offer shade in the blistering heat, and homes for the birds of music. And in the day that it is cut down, its stump will provide a “seat for the weary to rest.” It is humbling and rewarding when you choose friends wisely.

Friendships – keep your promises

Have you ever thought that when you became a Christian, you promised God AND friends? When you become a Christian, you vow before God and before your brethren. You make promises as Christians to each other as part of the church and we are responsible to uphold them. Here are some of the promises we made. Colossians 3:13 lets us know that one of our promises that we must keep is to forgive and bear with each other. Galatians 6:2 also tells us to “bear one another’s burdens.” We are also told to build each other up in 1 Thessalonians 5:11, which means we have promised our brethren encouragement when we become a Christian. We are to think of others before ourselves (Romans 12:10; Philippians 2:3-4). Along with thinking of others above ourselves, one of the main promises we tell our friends when we become a Christian, is that you will love them just like you would yourself. We are to love our friends because if not, how can you say you love God and hate your fellow brother? You can’t! (1 John 4:20) Take a look at Proverbs 17:9; Romans 12:10; 1 Peter 4:8-10; and John 15:12-13 about what they say about love. As Christians, we made a promise to God first and foremost when we were baptized, but our next priority was that we made promises to the fellow brethren and friends of the congregation.

Friendships are important in your walk with God!