Pushing Through The Hard

9-17-23 Willisburg Bulletin

Being a Christian requires diligent work, but it’s worth pushing through the hard. If being a
Christian was easy, everyone would be one, but it’s not. It takes learning to deny yourself instant
gratification. You know when you are baptized that you’re “signing up” for the hard work. Fruitful
rewards are waiting for those who are consistent and patient.


God doesn’t lower His standard to make you feel comfortable or tickle your ears. He gives you the standard and expects you to reach for it will diligence. Yet, He doesn’t leave you hanging to get there like the world does. Have you ever been told to meet a certain bar and not been given any assistance or rules on how to get there? God gives you the guidance to do so. He gives you everything you need to meet the standard, unlike most companies, bosses, and leaders. But it still requires action on your part. You can’t have the desired results by changing nothing about your habits and behaviors.


You must a healthy sense of urgency, otherwise your goals will never be met. You have to stop telling yourself you will wait until tomorrow, next week, next year to do this and that. Stop saying, “I can wait until next week to be baptized.” “I can wait until next month to lead singing.” “I can wait until next year to study that book.” Start saying, “I will lead prayer this Wednesday!” “I will do this study throughout the month.” “I will practice leading singing now!” Because now matters. Stop negotiating your future rewards because something now sounds better. Because sitting in a pew sounds easier. Because not standing for the truth won’t get you push back. Because letting someone else do the job is comfortable. STOP! When you realize how urgent your goals are and how they affect your present life, you will stop negotiating your future. You have to stop compromising your future rewards with the Lord by feeling comfortable. Being a Christian requires you to take on new challenges, EVERYDAY.


In a world where we have been spoiled with immediate pleasure and answers, it makes being a Christian harder. Because we can’t expect instant results when sharing the gospel, when seeing growth, when taking on a challenge. You have to stop saying, “I haven’t had enough success in telling others about Jesus.” “I haven’t learned enough.” “I don’t know the answers to their questions.” “I don’t know when to bring it up in my conversations.” “I don’t want to sound weird.” You won’t do anything with this mindset. You have to quit waiting or results. Stop the endless mind cycle. Do you tell yourself you have to wait for results before you tell anyone else about Jesus? Then, you don’t fully believe Jesus and His power. Your strategy is NOTHING unless you have a winning mindset. Set your mind to be soul winning for Jesus. Your end goal should be to build a team of believers who patiently together “persuade and sell” the opportunity and vehicle for people to have MORE for their life. You can’t sell something that you don’t fully believe in. You may not win every soul to Jesus, but that is not your goal. Your goal should be for you to fully believe in Jesus and for everyone you persuade for them to persuade more.


Everyday, you tell yourself stories. You tell yourself in your head why or why you are not doing something. You know what you should be doing, yet you still aren’t doing them. You have to quit telling yourself “not now because…” It will be the reason all your future rewards with the Lord will be gone and the Lord will say, “depart from me, ye who work iniquity.”


Doubt kills our motivation and momentum to do actions now; therefore, killing a future with God in eternity. Yet, we give too much credit to doubt in our lives. You must outwork your doubt. Out doing it is the ONLY way to get rid of doubt.