Social Media

9-10-23 Willisburg Bulletin

>> Is it your pitfall or your opportunity? << Are you using your account to spread the good news or using it for useless things?

Social Media is a Feeding Ground for the Devil

How often do you see people less than even half-dressed and flaunting it? What about the people you see online that promote sin? Maybe you don’t do that personally, but how often do you get on the app and think about how you wish you had what they had, that you wish you looked like her, or that you wish you had time to do what they do? Many sins stem from simply spending time looking at everyone else. Maybe jealousy comes into place. How about lust? Violence? Pride? Anger? Judgmental? Do you let others screen fronted lives dictate your emotions and actions? Often time, social media is the fuel for sin, and we may not even realize it. It has become a real problem, even with Christians.

Social Media is a Liar

How often do you go to post something, but retract because you don’t like the way you look in that picture or you don’t like the angle? How often do you look at those people on the screen and make it reality? Like you see how they look, what they do, etc and take it for that’s their whole life? When in reality, it’s not at all. See, the world is trying to change your perspective on how you think you look. It’s caused you to look at yourself through the world’s lenses instead of God’s. What the world is telling everyone is beauty is in the outfits you wear, I’m your body figure, etc., yet we know from scripture it is not. Beauty is from within! People put on a front when they get behind a screen. Social media has become a way to make them look the way they think they want to look. They don’t accept that God finds beauty from within. They don’t see that God’s eyes don’t see appearance; he sees our souls.

Social Media is a Time Waster

Let’s just be honest. How much time do you spend even daily going through social media? You get on there to do one thing, then a post catches your eyes and you’re down the rabbit hole of scrolling. Have you ever gotten on the screen time to see how much time you actually spend? You know, we are going to have to give an account to God for every single minute upon minute that we spend scrolling through Facebook or watching YouTube videos.

Yet in today’s world, you are looked at with crazy eyes if you say you don’t have social media. It’s almost unnatural if you don’t participate in the social media realm. Although maybe that’s what we need to get back to. The type of living where life is not so concerned about taking pictures to post or to show off. The type of living where we are truly living in the moment not worrying about how this will look when I post it. The type of living where people truly aren’t concerned about where my phone is or who’s going to call.

Social Media is a Tool

I’m not saying all social media is bad, but what I am saying is if you are going to use social media, be real. If you want to post about your trip, that’s great, but real with it. Don’t spice it up to make it look better than it is. Don’t put the fake filters on it. Don’t just post to show off. Have honest and good motives behind your posts. What i am saying is you need to use it as a tool. Use it in a way to help spread the gospel. Share your church’s sermons. Share those daily Bible verses. Send an invite to your social media friends about worship services and gospel meetings. Shoot your friends a message to talk about the Word. Use it as a tool for God’s glory. Don’t let the devil run with it.

Social Media is a Hot Topic

Now days, it seems like social media almost always has a negative tone. Let’s turn that around and use it for good. There is always something good that can come out of it. So, find the good, be the good, and share the good.

Use social media as God’s child!