Share The Word

9-3-23 Willisburg Bulletin

Teach the Gospel

One of the biggest responsibilities as a child of God, is to share the Word. We are the church and if we don’t share the Word, who will? We must pass it on our friends who can then help us also pass it on to the next generation. Here’s three simple ways to share the Word.

Be the example.

2 Timothy 4:1-5 tells us to “Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching…” It takes us sharing the Word all the time! The times you aren’t sharing the Word, are the missed opportunities that might have been the time someone needed to hear it the most. Don’t miss your chances. You may be the only Bible a person reads and by that, I mean your example and what you speak about. If you never talk about church or the Bible and you’re out going to bars, or speaking foul language, etc. how are you of any godly example to those around you? You aren’t. You’re a worldly one. Be the example, a godly one. Speak on the Truth and share the Word! Read Romans 12:5-18 and see how to teach. It’s really not hard. Sometimes we get caught up in knowing how to share the Word, when really even our actions do a lot of the work. Being the Christian example that is set forth for us in the Word is a powerful tool.

Plant the seed.

Even from the beginning of time in we are told to plant seeds. Genesis 8:22 says, “While the earth remains, seedtime … shall not cease.” 1 Corinthians 3:6-9 mentions that Paul planted and God gives the increase. It’s our duty to share the Word and God will do the rest. Reread the parable about the sower in Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23. Not all the ground we plant the seed will blossom, but on the right ground, it will and God will give the increase. Galatians 6:9 tells us to continue in good for so what we sow, we will reap (Galatians 6:7).

Use social media for a godly purpose.

Most everyone has social media. It’s a powerful and influential tool. It’s a way to share the Word. Sharing bible verses, sharing what church posts, inviting your friends, and much good can come from social media. We just have to actually do it. It takes just as much time to find good as it does to find the bad. You can use your time on social media for waste easily, but it’s also just as easy to make it beneficial by sharing the Word in some way.

Let’s strive by planting the seed, being the righteous example, and using social media for a godly purpose. It’s our duty to share the Word.