
6-18-23 Willisburg Bulletin

Christ came to build His church and the saved are added to it. Christ only built one church and every Christian in the first century was a member of that church. Today it seems to be different. There are hundreds of different churches. Where did they all come from? Do they please God? Is there a remedy for religious division? All believers can and should be one in Christ Jesus.

What is it?

Webster says a denomination is “a class, or society of individuals, called by the same name; a sect.” To go further it may be said that denominationalism is the dividing up of believers in Christ into religious parties. Each has its own human name, creed, organization, and terms of membership. Each one considers itself to be right, no matter how tolerant of others it may be. The church of Christ was of divine origin; hence it was not a denomination in any sense of the word. Churches established since the first century are of human origins and human wisdom. There are denominations because they teach differently from the original church. It’s exactly in this way that one may identify a denomination. God doesn’t intend for man to change one single thing originally taught by the apostles (Gal 1:8).

Why is it wrong?

It should be clear that denominationalism is WRONG. When man takes upon himself human religious titles and practices, this alone is sufficient reason to condemn sectarianism. It is not the plan of God, but of man to divide the church. Unscriptural means that denominations are unknown to the New Testament arrangement. What denomination do you read about in the Bible? Instead of many churches, only ONE is spoken of. Matt 16:18 says, “I will build my church.” Paul makes this clear in 1 Cor 12:20. To the one church in the city of Ephesus, Paul made an impassioned plea exhorting them to “keep unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.” The inspired writer went on to explain the oneness in Ephesians 4. It is evident that no denomination existed in the first century, The church of Christ was under the authority of God, and throughout the world Christians all practices the same things, believed the same things, and worshipped the same way.

What’s the remedy?

The church of the first century was the answer to the Lord’s prayer for unity. Paul wrote affirmatively of one body. The Corinthians were instructed to “speak the same thing.” They were all following the same doctrine. Acts 2:42 tells us “the apostles doctrine,” the men that were guided by the Holy Spirit (Jn 16:13; Gal 1:11-12). If people would follow only the apostles’ teaching, we would all be united as the early Christians were. Because men have followed the teachings of men, denominations have resulted. The Bible gives us a solid basis for unity and assures us we are following God’s plan (1 Jn 1:7).

– Taken from G. Tope –