Does the End Justify the Means?

5-21-23 Willisburg Bulletin

Does the end justify the means?

Maybe we could ask it this way … Are you authorized to change God’s plan if good comes from it and it guarantee you Heaven? Or maybe this way … Are you free to change the way and get the same end all Christians desire? How about stating it this way … Is the final outcome (Heaven) authorized by the means (method)? How about we ask … Can we change the plan of salvation/how we worship/how we live, to get to Heaven? Am i free to choose the way I go about doing live to get to the eternal end? We all know in spiritual matters the answer is NO! But why is that? Why aren’t we free to choose the means? Why can’t we change the means? Because God said so! We might question the standard if a random person had told you, but God set the standard and He is a spirit. John 4:24 says that and it also says “we must worship him in truth.” What’s the truth? God is truth (John 14:6).

Who is God? Illustration

in Genesis 1:1, we’re told, “God created…” making Him the creator, the ultimate architect/designer. Let’s think about an illustration of building a house. We all know that there’s a designer (creator/ financier), design that becomes approved (settled on, stamped blueprints), a trustworthy builder (installer), and an inspection. It’s important to note that in the designing stage, the designer is able to change the plans to fit his wants, but when that stamp of approval is placed on the blueprints, then the builder doesn’t have the liberty to change anything. When the designer hands the builder the plans, the builder doesn’t get to choose a different place to put the sink in the kitchen. If the builder changes the plan, he ultimately is saying “i thought it was better this way,” but the designer will reject it. Additionally, if the designer tells the builder to do this set of cabinets, it eliminates any other cabinets in the house. The designer was specific in his instructions. However, the builder does have the choice in what tools to use to build, unless told otherwise in the plans. We also know it’s a guarantee that the designer will come back to inspect the work to ensure it has been completed according to the plans. Guess what? If the job isn’t done the way the designer planned, then does the builder get paid? Obviously not! They have to do it according to the blueprint. We also know that the builder is able to use different tools to complete the task, unless specified in the papers. Now make it a religious illustration. The designer is obviously God; He paid the ultimate price for us (sacrificed on the cross). The approved plan is the Word of God, which contains all the boundaries, how to worship, rules to live godly, and the plan of salvation. God is specific (given boundaries) on what He wants, which eliminates any questions or any other way to build His house, He doesn’t have to say what not to do, simply what to do. As Jude 1:3 states, “once for all delivered” God has stamped His plans meaning there is only one approved way to get to the end path (Heaven). Therefore, the builders (Christians) must follow God’s plan down to the smallest detail of building His house (the church), because the inspection comes on Judgment Day, when we will be looked over thoroughly to see if our work is patterned after Christ’s. Guess what? If the job isn’t done the way God designed, do we get rewarded? Obviously not. We have to do it according to the blueprint.


Throughout the whole Old Testament, God simply wanted all His people to obey. Eccl 12:13-14 says the goal is to keep His commandments. In Gen 6, Noah was given specific directions to build an ark to save God’s people. When completed as God had commanded, Noah was saved. In Num 20, Moses was commanded to speak to the rock, but instead he struck it. Therefore, Moses died not being able to go into the promised land. In Exo 30, Nadab and Abihu were commanded to offer fire, but instead offered strange fire and were killed because of disobedience. In 2 Sam 6, Uzzah reached out to touch the ark, thinking he was doing something good, but was struck dead for disobeying God. In Gen 4, Cain and Abel were to make a sacrifice. Cain didn’t offer the best in God’s eyes and ended up not having favor with God. Even throughout the New Testament, God still wants His people to obey. John 14 talks about if you love God, keep His commandments. Being in compliance with God’s Will (the Bible/His rules). Take a look at what all they did in Matt 7:21-23, they thought they had done so much that was good, but God called it “lawlessness.” There are many other examples, but it‘s evident God means what He says and is serious.

Fear God to the End

All the examples are men of God living their life, trying to serve God, but for a second forgot who God is and didn’t fear God enough to remember the punishment. They knew what God’s commandments were, because God was specific, but they thought their way was better. They probably wouldn’t have agreed to that because it was such a little detail, but they didn’t take God’s plan serious and it cost them. Just like we sometimes forget who God is and think our ideas are greater without fear of Hell, and we change what God would have us to do. We think changing one little detail “because there’s good that comes from it” is acceptable? Nadab & Abihu could’ve said, “well it’s just fire,” but He killed them for it. If we don’t make it right before we die, our inspection will fail. If we as the builders decided to change the means of conducting our lives (worship, plan of salvation, evangelism, etc) then we are calling God a fool and saying, “I know better than the designer (God).” Once you cross over that line, you’ve crossed God’s line, and there is no justifying the means at that point. Deut 4:1-2; 12:32 is saying do exactly what God commands carefully, not adding to or removing anything. Let’s make our means justify the end by faith through obedience of doing what God says about EVERY detail of our life (Romans 3:23-26), even if it doesn’t make sense to us, because even the highest of wisdom we as humans can have is the foolishness of God (Isa 55:8-9).