Trust Without Doubts… Believe With Faith By FULL Submission!

3-12-23 Willisburg Bulletin

Part of trusting is being willing to submit. Submission is the act of yielding to, or bringing yourself under the authority. It carries with it the idea of obedience. In this life, we are commanded to submit in many facets. We must realize we are all called to submission in some way because it is part of God’s will for us. How we submit: – wives to husbands (Eph 5:22; 1 Pet 3:1-5) —women in services (1 Tim 2:11) – young to old (1 Pet 5:5) -children to parents (1 Tim 3:4) – citizens to government (1 Pet 2:13; Rom 13:1) – brethren to brethren (1 Pet 5:5) -employees to employer (Eph 6:5-6) – all to God (James 4:7) God says we must trust that He is a rewarder, but we have to diligently seek Him. If we submit in obedience in these catergories, we are working towards accomplishing God’s will.

James 1:6; Heb 11:6 We are called to believe that God is the great I AM (Exodus 3:14; John 8:24) AND have faith to be pleasing to God. Most of Hebrews 11 is listing how many biblical examples did some action with faith. Even if they didn’t fully grasp it, they believed with faith. In James it talks about faith without works is dead. Even the demons believe, but without action or faith, it means nothing.

Full Submission:

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a perfect example of one who F U L L Y submitted to the Lord’s will. Even when it was unexplainable, she believed without doubt and proved her faith in action. There were many turning points (unexpected/unexplainable events) in her life, especially when it came to her son, Jesus, yet she submitted wholeheartedly. How many times are we putting our whole being into submitting to God’s will?

Partial Submission:

Moses in Exodus 3:10-4:10 came up with multiple excuses to not fulfill the will of God. which was to lead the Israelites out of the wilderness. He claimed he wasn’t worthy enough, he didn’t know enough, he didn’t have the skills, someone could do it better because he wasn’t an eloquent speaker. How many times do we claim we can’t or come up with some “reason” to not complete God’s call to be Christians?

No Submission:

Back in the beginning when Noah was called to build an ark, the people around rejected God and cause God to be sorry that He had made mankind (Gen 6:6). Everyone excepts Noah and his family were shut out of the ark by God for their evil sinful choice of not believing and obeying. Do we sometimes just shut God out of our lives or decisions or not even think about godly things some days? We must fully believe that Jesus is the Son, our Savior and that God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are one being. Even if we don’t fully understand. We must accept His will, even if we don’t understand or don’t agree with it, even partial submitting will not get you to heaven. Would you submit fully and accept His will as Mary did or would you hesitate and make excuses like Moses or will you just totally reject God’s command like the people in Noah’s day?