God is calling…

Will you answer?

Everyone would probably say of course they’d answer the phone if God was calling me, but sadly, God calls us daily and most of us are hitting the decline button. 

We all have a purpose and calling in life. As a Christian you are the church which in Greek is “eklesia” meaning the called out. God calls us out from the world. We are special. We receive that phone call everyday from Him. He’s the first and the last, the one calling in good times, and definitely the one there in the bad times too. 

So how does God call us? And who does He call? 

2 Thess 5:14 we are called by the gospel, which means good news. The news is that we can be saved by Jesus.  

John 1:1-3 Jesus is the Word/gospel. God calls us through Jesus, who was crucified to save us. 

Romans 1:16-17 the power of the calling is the gospel and it’s to everyone. He calls everyone. 

So how does one accept that phone call of His? 

Mark 16:15-15 believe & be baptized

Acts 2:38 repent & be baptized 

Acts 8:26-39 baptism 

The true answer is when you are baptized. If you haven’t been baptized, you are continually rejecting His call! If you have been baptized, what then? How do you continually answer the call? It’s not just a one time call and that’s all you need. You don’t call your parents just one time in your life and you’re good forever. Same with God, He requires an accepted call everyday. 

So how do you answer the call daily? 

1 Cor 1:2 called to be saints

Rom 1:6 called of Jesus Christ

Eph 4:1 walk worthy of the calling 

Meaning life up to the name Christian. It’s a high calling, that’s a life long commitment. 

—> 2 Tim 1:9 holy calling to His purpose

—> Heb 3:1 holy brethren, partakers in the heavenly calling. 

We must accept this call by giving Him our life.

So the true question is . . . 

Have you answered the call? Did you accept or decline? 

If declined, why? If accepted, do you answer daily?