
We study this more, even if we have already been baptized because we want to make our calling and election sure. We need to check the reason, the attitude, the intentions, and the method you were baptized. Was it correct? 

Matthew 28:19 when you are baptized you become one of God’s disciples by the authority of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

Mark 16:16 states belief and baptism. 

Acts 2:38 is a direct command to be baptized. 

Was your baptism scriptural? Do you need to be “rebaptized” the correct way? 

  • you can be baptized for the wrong reasons. An example is in Acts 19:1-5. They had been baptized in the wrong authority and for the wrong purpose, so they were baptized for the right. 
  • You can’t be taught wrong, and baptized right. 
  • You aren’t baptized into a church. You are baptized into God’s family. 

Proper Mode

Romans 6:3-4 buried in baptism 

Colossians 3:12 states you are buried and raised with Him. 

When you bury the dead, you complete cover them; therefore, the same is with baptism. One must be completely buried in water. The word baptism comes directly from the Greek work Baptizo meaning immersion. 

Proper Authority 

Acts 2:38 in the name of Jesus Christ

Acts 19:5 in the name of the Lord Jesus

Acts 10:48 in the name of the Lord

Matthew 28:19 in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

We can see by these passages and others that we are to be baptized by the authority of Christ. 

Proper Purpose

Acts 2:38 for the remission of sins. 

Acts 22:16 wash away your sins 

Throughout the Word, we are told the purpose of being baptized is to be forgiven of our sins, that’s what Jesus died on the cross for. He paid the price for our sins. 

Proper Subject

Acts 2:38 men and brethren 

Acts 8:37 believe with the heart

The individual being baptized must be able to confess their sins and be able to profess faith by being a penitent believer. Little kids are spoken of as innocent, it’s at the age of accountability that one can say they’ve done wrong and wants to be baptized that’s proper. 

Can you look at these verses and reflect on your baptism and be sure this is true of your baptism? Have you made your calling and election sure?