Foundation of 1st Hand Knowledge

Josiah started reigning when he was eight years old. When he was 16 years old (his 8th year reign) he sought after God. This is because Zephaniah was prophesying God’s judgment is coming so seek God. Zephaniah prophesied from 636-623 BC, which was during Josiah’s reign as king, from when he was 12-25 years old. So Josiah possibly heard Zephaniah, but either way, he heeded God’s message. When Josiah was 20 years old (his 12th reigning year), he purged Jerusalem and Judah high places (2 Chron 34:3-8). He purged the Asherium, carved and molten images, and the alters of Baal and incense. Josiah then burned and scattered them on the graves of the people who had worshipped them. He also did this in Manasseh, Ephraim, Simeon, Naphtali, and surrounding cities. Then, in his 18th year reign at 26 years old, he began purging the House of the Lord to restore it. That’s when the Book of the Law was found (2 Kings 22:8). The Book of the Law would’ve been the Pentateuch, which is Genesis- Deuteronomy. When it was found, Josiah had his scribe, Shaphan, read it. In that, he would’ve read Deuteronomy 17:14-20, which quotes the duties the king is responsible of when entering reign. That included writing a copy of the Law, reading it everyday, and having it with him all the time, which obviously Josiah hadn’t done because the Book had been lost. When he realized he hadn’t done any of his God given responsibilities, he immediately tore his clothes (2 Kings 22:11), which is a sign of shame and grief. He knew he and his fathers hasn’t heeded God’s commands and he was upset (2 Kings 22:13), but God saw Josiah’s tender heart and how he humbled himself (2 Kings 22:19). After, he wanted to know what to do FOR God, so he called for Hilkiah (the priest), Ahikam (son of Shaphan), Achbor (son of Micaiah), Shaphan (scribe), and Asaiah (Josiah’s servant) to inquire what the Lord wanted him to do. When the word was brought to him on what to do, he immediately went about doing the work of the Lord. He gathered the elders and went to the House of God to read the Book of the Law. After he read it in front of all the priests, prophets, and all the people, he vowed a covenant to walk after the Lord and the people entered it as well (2 Kings 23:1-3). Because of all Josiah did, his obedience to his covenant, and his response to the Word, he stilled God’s hand of punishment, which Zephaniah had been prophesying, until after he died (2 Kings 22:19-20).


Josiah reigned 18 years based on second hand knowledge and lacked first hand knowledge because the Book was lost. Without first hand knowledge, it can turn into the same situation as the people of Josiah’s reign where they had no knowledge of the Book or the responsibilities.

Application to us:

When we are baptized, we become His children, and we are entering that covenant with God promising that you will obey God. Be sure to gain that first hand knowledge, by studying for yourself. In Ephesians 2&3 we (as God’s children) are His temple, part of the body of Jesus Christ; therefore, the Word should be found in us. If we lose it, we will have a lack of knowledge and deserve the punishment Zephaniah prophesied. We must be going about doing the work of the Lord just as Josiah did.