“How can you believe in something or someone you can’t physically see?”

Do you believe that the wind blows even though you can’t physically see it?
Do you believe in love, even though you can’t physically see it?
Do you believe that we need oxygen to keep breath in our lungs, even though you can’t physically see that either?
I can’t see Him, but I can feel Him.
I can feel His love surrounding me and I need Him like I need the air I breathe to survive.
Faith, is how I believe.

“But How can you have faith during such a horrible trying time in your life? How can you trust a God that would allow these horrible things to happen to you?”

Having faith doesn’t mean I’m trusting God to stop the storms necessarily or that I expect him to make my life sunshine and rainbows, it means that I am trusting Him to give me strength, guidance and comfort while I am walking through the storms, so that I am able to make it through to the end, see the clouds parting and reach that rainbow. 🌈 Whether that means here on earth, or in the place He has prepared for me in heaven if He is ready to call me home.

Life throws everyone curveballs, some worse than others and there’s no answer as to why that is, but it’s how we choose by our own free will, how we will walk through those hard times. Will we try to do it all on our own miserably, or will we hand it over to Our Father who asks us to do just that so that he can help us through it?

That choice determines how we survive the sometimes seemingly impossible, and how our hearts grow closer to the God we can’t physically see. I am trusting him to never leave my side, and to love me through it all, because what I CAN see is His blessings in my life, His words and His promises. And He never, ever breaks His promises to His children.❤