In the Beginning God …

Genesis 1:1

From the very first, the book, the story of all that we know and all that we are, begins. Unlike most other books, no foreward or preface is needed.

The story begins, and it starts with God. On the first read, it doesn’t seem to supply us with much information, but as we read on and reread it, we learn so much more about God.

First, He is infinite. He spoke everything into existence. He didn’t go to Lowe’s or a lab to get materials, He simply spoke and there it was. He made everything from nothing.

Second, He is eternal. What was He doing before He created everything? No point in asking. Time as we know it started that very second. However, God is timeless.

Third, He loves us. He created us different than all the rest of His creation. We are special to Him, made in His image. We (our souls) are eternal. We will live on in eternity after we have left this earthly realm. Nothing else of His creation will do that.

Let’s not waste the life He gave us and all the other wonderful things in service to our adversary, the devil.