Month: December 2023

  • Reflecting on the New Year

    12.31.23 Willisburg Bulletin New Year – 2024 Every year this week rolls around where everyone is looking to make goals and “new year, new me” type intentions. Sometimes this can […]

  • Do You Believe?

    12.24.23 Willisburg Bulletin Believing About this time of year, everyone starts asking the kids if Santa is coming and what they are asking for. The question of believing in magic […]

  • It’s Actually A Cult

    12.17.23 Willisburg Bulletin Salvation Army The Salvation Army started in 1852 when William Booth abandoned the concept of the traditional church pulpit in favor of taking the gospel of Jesus […]

  • Cut Out The Weeds

    12.10.23 Willisburg Bulletin Are You Stressed? “Your eyes were bigger than your stomach,” my mother gently scolded as I brought her my half-filled plate. This was a frequent occurrence at […]

  • Un – Hurry

    12.3.23 Willisburg Bulletin Always in a Rush We, as a society, seem to always be on the go. We run 100 mph with a million things to do and the […]